Winter Feast for the Soul


A teacher of mine recently sent me a link to the worldwide event, Winter Feast for the Soul. I’m really excited about it. The Feast is a commitment to engage in 40 minutes of spiritual practice for 40 days. Sounds like a challenge, but with community and the right intention, this event could be doable and possibly life-changing.

The practice period goes from January 15 – February 23. I decided to commit to participating and will be journaling/tracking my experience. Will you join me? For more about the feast, be sure to visit their official website. You can pledge there that you will join, and if you would like, you can receive their newsletter and a free Ebook about Peace.

What’s the point of the Feast?

The 40-day period of the Feast allows people to have a life changing experience of the importance of stillness.

The vision behind the Feast (shared from their website):

We hold a vision of a world at peace that surpasses the imagined boundaries of creed, culture, and philosophical beliefs.

We embrace all spiritual traditions and organizations in a synchronized period of practice where we become part of a shared dream for a consciousness of oneness and peace on our planet.

What counts as a spiritual practice?  

  • Meditation
  • Prayer
  • Yoga
  • Martial arts
  • Journaling
  • Expressive arts
  • Daily acts of kindness toward self and others
  • Any other practice that grounds you, makes you aware and connects you to community (Depending on how you experience it, this practice could be as simple as home cooking or washing the dishes…as long as you bring awareness to yourself and your surroundings in a way that grounds and stills you)

For those interested in joining this feast, please leave a comment below or email me so we can support one another the next 40 days!

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